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Showing 1 to 17 of 17 results

Type Title Author Publication Date Editor
Article (lekha) ‘The Jagaḍūcharita of Sarvāṇanda, a historical romance from Gujarāt.’ Bühler, Georg 1892
Article (lekha) ʻSome gold coins of the Eastern Chālukya kings Śaktivarman and Rājarāja II.ʼ Fleet, John Faithfull 1890
Book (grantha) Die indischen Genuslehren, mit dem Text der Liṅgānuçāsana’s des Çākatāyana, Harṣavardhana, Vararuci, nebst Auszügen aus den Commentaren des Yakṣavarman (zu Ç.) und des Çabarasvāmin (zu H.) und mit einem Anhang über die indischen Namen Franke, Rudolf Otto 1890
Article (lekha) ‘The inscriptions of Piyadasi, by E. Senart, translated by G. A. Grierson, and revised by the author.’ Grierson, George A. 1891
Article (lekha) ‘Two Pattavalis of the Sarasvati-Gaccha of the Digambara Jains.’ Hoernle, A. F. Rudolph 1891
Article (lekha) ‘Sūnak grant of the Chaulukya king Karṇa I.’ Hultzsch, Eugen 1890
Book (grantha) Sacram memoriam regis serenissimi divi Friedrici Guilelmi III Universitatis Friedericiae Guilelmiae Rhenanae conditoris munificentissimi ab eadem universitate die III mensis Augusti anni MDCCCXCI hora XI pie recolendam victorumque renuntiationem e Jacobi, Hermann 1891
Article (lekha) ‘Three Ujjain copper-plate grants of the rulers of Malava.’ Kielhorn, Franz 1890
Article (lekha) ‘Gayā stone inscription of the reign of Sultan Firuz Shah; the Vikrama year 1429.ʼ Kielhorn, Franz 1891
Article (lekha) ‘Lucknow Museum copper-plate grant of the Mahāsāmanta Balavarmadeva.ʼ Kielhorn, Franz 1891
Book (grantha) Die Sanskrit-Handschriften der Universitäts-Bibliothek zu Göttingen. Verzeichniss der Handschriften im Preussischen Staate, 1: Hannover, 3: Göttingen, 3 [Universitäts-Bibliothek] Kielhorn, Franz 1894
Book (grantha) Specimen of a literary-bibliographical Jaina-Onomasticon. [Fifteen of the fifty-five pages corrected by Ernst Leumann. With a preface in German by Albrecht Weber.] Klatt, Johannes 1892
Article (lekha) ‘The Samachari-Satakam of Samayasundara and Pattavalis of the Anchala-gachchha and other Gachchhas.’ Revised with additions by Ernst Leumann Klatt, Johannes 1894
Book (grantha) Notices of Sanskrit Mss. Under the orders of the Government of Bengal Shāstrī, Haraprasād 1892
Article (lekha) ‘Die Griechen in Indien.’ Weber, Albrecht 1890
Book (grantha) Catalogue of Marathi and Gujarati printed books in the library of the British Museum Blumhardt, James Fuller 1892
Book (grantha) The golden book of India. A genealogical and biographical dictionary of the ruling princes, chiefs, nobles, and other personages, titled or decorated, of the Indian empire Lethbridge, Roper 1893