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Person Record
Kapadia, Hiralal Rasikdas (ed.), (1940), pp 64, 65, cat. no. 680. | work record
Label Mahimāvijaya, muni, Vi.Saṃ.1761, śiṣya of Vr̥ddhivijaya, Tapāgaccha
Generic Name
  1. Mahimāvijaya
Religious Status
  1. Jaina monk (sādhu / muni)
Name and Monastic Position
  1. Mahimāvijaya, muni (muni)


  1. Kapadia, Hiralal Rasikdas (ed.), (1940), p 65, cat. no. 680. | work record
  1. Male (puruṣa)
Monastic Relationships
  1. Fellow disciple of the same guru (gurubhāī) of: Devendravijaya, muni, Vi.Saṃ.1761, śiṣya of Vṛddhivijaya, Tapāgaccha
  2. Male teacher (guru): Vṛddhivijaya, muni, Vi.Saṃ. 1761, guru of Mahimāvijaya, Tapāgaccha


  1. Kapadia, Hiralal Rasikdas (ed.), (1940), p 65, cat. no. 680. | work record
  2. Kapadia, Hiralal Rasikdas (ed.), (1940), p 65, cat. no. 680. | work record
  1. View relationship network for Mahimāvijaya