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Person Record
Hultzsch, E. (ed.), (1901), p 4, line 5. | work record
Label Jayasiṃha, father of Raṇarāga, about Śaka 430
Generic Name
  1. Jayasiṃha
Honorific or Epithet
  1. vallabha
  1. Male (puruṣa)
Occupation Social Position
  1. King / Ruler (rāja)
Family Relationships
  1. Father of: Raṇarāga, father of Pulakeśin I, about Śaka 460
  2. Grandfather (in general) of: Pulakeśin I, about Śaka 470


  1. Hultzsch, E. (ed.), (1901), p 4, line 5-6. | work record
  2. Hultzsch, E. (ed.), (1901), p 4, line 5-7. | work record
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