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Person Record
Konow, S. & Venkayya, V. (ed.), (1912), pp 53, 55, 53, 55. | work record
Label Gojjikāmbikā, mother of Beḷdeva, before Śaka 975
Generic Name
  1. Gojjikāmbikā
Religious Status
  1. Jaina layperson female (śrāvikā / upāsikā)
  1. Female (strī)
Marital Status
  1. Married (vivāhita)
Family Relationships
  1. Wife of: Aggaḷadeva, father of Beḷdeva, before Śaka 975
  2. Son: Baladeva, brother of Beḷdeva, about Śaka 975
  3. Son: Śantivarma, son of Aggaḷadeva, about Śaka 975


  1. Thomas, F.W. & Krishna Sastri, H. (ed.), (1922), pp 53, 55, 53, 55. | work record
  1. Thomas, F.W. & Krishna Sastri, H. (ed.), (1922), pp 53, 55, 53, 55. | work record
  2. Thomas, F.W. & Krishna Sastri, H. (ed.), (1922), pp 53, 55, 53, 55. | work record
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