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Fleet, John Faithfull (1882) The dynasties of the Kanarese districts of the Bombay Presidency. From the earliest historical times to the Muhammadan conquest of A. D. 1318

Work Record
Full Citation Fleet, John Faithfull (1882) The dynasties of the Kanarese districts of the Bombay Presidency. From the earliest historical times to the Muhammadan conquest of A. D. 1318 Bombay: Government Central Press
Type Book (grantha)
Title The dynasties of the Kanarese districts of the Bombay Presidency. From the earliest historical times to the Muhammadan conquest of A. D. 1318
Author Fleet, John Faithfull
Date of Publicaton 1882{Shaka Year: 1804} (Gregorian year: 1882)
Place of Publication Bombay
Publisher Government Central Press