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Fleet, John Faithfull (1888) Inscriptions of the early Gupta kings and their successors. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum

Work Record
Full Citation Fleet, John Faithfull (1888) Inscriptions of the early Gupta kings and their successors. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume III Calcutta / Kolakātā, Paścima Baṅgāla, India: Government Press
Type Book (grantha)
Title Inscriptions of the early Gupta kings and their successors. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum
Volume or Issue Number Volume III
Author Fleet, John Faithfull
Date of Publicaton 1888{Shaka Year: 1810} (Gregorian year: 1888)
Place of Publication Calcutta / Kolakātā, Paścima Baṅgāla, India
Publisher Government Press