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Showing 1 to 64 of 64 results

Settlement Region Province Country Modern Country Modern Settlement
Sunāma, Dādā Cokhī Devī Jaina Mandira India Sunāma
Aḍālaja, Sīmandhara City India Aḍālaja
Lāḍanūṃ, Sevābhāvī Muni Campālāla Samādhi India Lāḍanūṃ, Sevābhāvī Muni Campālāla Samādhi
Calcutta India Kolakātā
London & Cambridge
Cambridge United Kingdom Cambridge
Calcutta & London
Calcutta & Bombay & London
Citrakūṭa India Cittauṛagaṛha
Cūrū Bhārata
Cittoḍa India
Candrāvatī India Bhīmapallīpura
Candragiri India Śravaṇabeḷagoḷa
Cāṭasū India Cākasū
Caṃpāgalī India India Caṃpāgalī, Kālabādevī
Pārśvanātha Caitya India
Caitya India
Pārśvanātha Caitya India
Supārśvanātha Caitya India
Pārśvanātha Caitya India
Chīṃṭāvālā India Chīṃṭāvālā
Ahamadābāda, Dariyāpura, Chīpā Poḷa Upāśraya India Ahamadābāda, Dariyāpura, Chīpā Poḷa Upāśraya
Būṛhī Canderī India Būṛhī Canderī
Caṃpakapura India India
Citroḍāgrāma India India
Loliyāṇaka(capital of Guhilavādadeśa) India
Chañdiyā India
Chūḍā India
Chotī Rāvaliyā India
Cotīlā India India Cotīlā
Chapā India
Cobārī India
Cāṇoda India
Camāraḍī India
Caloḍā India
Citroḍa India Citroḍa
Madras (Chennai)
Chiyali India Sīrakāṛī
Cāḍā India
Cintāmaṇipārśvanātha prasāda
Caṃpāvatīnagara India
Candraprabhajī Caityālaya Candraprabhajī Caityālaya
Cintāmaṇi Pārśvanātha Devālaya, Kṛṣṇadūrga Cintāmaṇi Pārśvanātha Devālaya, Kiśanagarha
Near the village of Cōḷavāṇḍipuram in Tirukkovilur Taluk India Near the village of Cholavandipuram in Tirukkoyilur Taluk
Cāngaḍāī India Cāngaḍāī
Chinchpugli India Cincapokalī
Cela India Celā
Ciyāsarā India Ciyāsarā
Cikurāparavi India
Chāpara India Chāpara
Guṇaśīla Caitya India Gunāyā
Nandiyak caitya śāla