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Showing 1 to 100 of 374 results

Type Title Author Publication Date Editor
Book (grantha) Lists of the antiquarian remains in the presidency of Madras. Compiled under the orders of government Sewell, Robert 1882
Book (grantha) Lists of inscriptions, and sketch of the dynasties of southern India. Compiled under the orders of Government Sewell, Robert 1884
Article (lekha) [Book notice] ‘Archaeological Survey of Southern India. The Buddhist Stūpas of Amarāvatī and Jagayapeta …, by Jas. Burgess … With translations of the Aśoka Inscriptions at jaugada and Dhauli, by Georg Bühler …, London 1887.’ Smith, Vincent A. 1889
Article (lekha) ‘Weber’s sacred literature of the Jains, translated by Dr. Herbert Weir Smyth.’ Smyth, Herbert Weir 1888
Article (lekha) ‘Weber’s sacred literature of the Jains, translated by Dr. Herbert Weir Smyth.’ Smyth, Herbert Weir 1889
Article (lekha) ‘Weber’s sacred literature of the Jains, translated by Dr. Herbert Weir Smyth Smyth, Herbert Weir 1890
Article (lekha) ‘Weber’s sacred literature of the Jains, translated by Dr. Herbert Weir Smyth Smyth, Herbert Weir 1891
Article (lekha) ʻWeber’s sacred literature of the Jains, translated by Dr. Herbert Weir Smyth Smyth, Herbert Weir 1892
Book (grantha) The Kalpa Sūtra and Nava Tatva: two works illustrative of the Jain religion and philosophy. Translated from the Māgadhi. With an appendix, containing remarks of the language of the original Stevenson, John 1848
Article (lekha) ‘A folk-lore parallel.’ Tawney, C. H. 1881
Article (lekha) ʻExamination and Analysis of the Mackenzie Manuscripts deposited in the Madras College library.ʼ Taylor, William 1838
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1857
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1860
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1862
Book (grantha) Essays on Indian antiquities, historic, numismatic, and palaeographic, of the late James Prinsep, to which are added his useful tables, illustrative of Indian history, chronology modern coinages, weights, measures, etc. Edited with notes, and additional m 1858 Thomas, Edward
Book (grantha) Records of the Gupta dynasty. Illustrated by inscriptions, written history, local tradition, and coins. To which is added a chapter on the Arabs in Sind Thomas, Edward 1876
Article (lekha) ‘Translation of a Sanscrit inscription, relative to the last Hindu king of Delhi, with comments thereon.’ Tod, James 1827
Article (lekha) ‘Littérature Tamoule ancienne.’ Vinson, Julien 1889
Article (lekha) ‘Legends of the earlier Chuḍāsamā Rās of Junāgaḍh.’ Watson, J. W. 1873
Book (grantha) Über ein Fragment der Bhagavatī. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der heiligen Sprache und Literatur der Jaina. Erster Theil, Einleitung, und erster Abschnitt: Von der Sprache der Bhagavatī. Mit zwei Tafeln Weber, Albrecht 1866
Book (grantha) Über ein Fragment der Bhagavatī. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der heiligen Sprache und Literatur der Jaina. Zweiter Theil, zweiter Abschnitt: Inhalt der vorliegenden Bücher der Bhagavatī. Und dritter Abschnitt: Die Legende von Khaṃdaka Weber, Albrecht 1867
Article (lekha) [Bibliographische Anzeige] ‘Kāçīvidyāsudhānidhiḥ.-The Paṇḍit, a monthly journal, of the Benares College, devoted to Sanskrit Literature. Nos. 1-79, Benares 1866-1872 …’ Weber, Albrecht 1873
Book (grantha) Akademische Vorlesungen über Indische Literaturgeschichte Weber, Albrecht 1876
Article (lekha) [Bibliographische Anzeige] ‘Kāçīvidyāsudhānidhiḥ.-The Paṇḍit, a monthly journal, of the Benares College, devoted to Sanscrit Literature, Nos. 80-120, Benares 1873-1877 …’ Weber, Albrecht 1878
Article (lekha) ʻUeber canaresische Sprache und Literatur’ Weigle, Gottfried 1848
Article (lekha) ‘Translation of a Tāmba Patra, which was found in a field of the village of Pipliānagar in the Shujālpur Parganā, by a Krisān engaged in ploughing, and presented to Mr. L. Wilkinson, the Political Agent at Bhopāl, by the Jagirdār.’ Wilkinson, Lancelot 1836
Book (grantha) Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of 1828 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Book (grantha) Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of 1828 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Book (grantha) Professor Wilson’s Sanskrit manuscripts, now deposited in the Bodleian Library Wilson, Horace Hayman 1842
Book (grantha) Essays and lectures on the religions of the Hindus. By H. H. Wilson. Collected and edited by Reinhold Rost. In two volumes. Vol. I. Sketch of the Religious Sects of the Hindus 1861 Rost, Reinhold
Book (grantha) The Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor 1882 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Article (lekha) ‘Hemacandra’s Yogaçāstra. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Jaina-Lehre.’ Windisch, Ernst 1874
Article (lekha) ‘Vardhamāna’s Gaṇaratnamahodadhi, … Edited, with critical notes and indices, by Julius Eggeling. Part I. London 1879.’ Zachariae, Theodor 1880
Article (lekha) [Rezension] ‘Kīrtikaumudī; a life of Vastupāla, …, composed by Śrī Someśvaradeva. Edited by Ābājī Vishṇu Kāthavaṭe, Bombay 1883.’ Zachariae, Theodor 1885 Kuhn, Ernst.
Article (lekha) [Rezension] ‘Hemacandra’s Liṅgānuśāsana, mit Commentar und Uebersetzung herausgegeben von R. Otto Franke, Göttingen 1886.’ Zachariae, Theodor 1887 Kuhn, Ernst. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Johannes Klatt
Article (lekha) Trübner’s American, European & Oriental literary record. A register of the most important works published in North and South America, India, China, Europe, and the British Colonies. With occasional notes on German, Dutch, Danish, French, Italian, Spanish, Anonymous 1880
Manuscript (hastalekha) Lokasārayantra Ajitadeva
Book (grantha) Lakhelokāgala Yaśovijaya 1878 Māṇaka, Bhīmasiṃha
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghistraya Abhayacandra
Līlāvatī Argaladeva
Laghukṣetrasamāsa Ratnaśekhara
Book (grantha) History of Tirhut. From the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. With a foreword by Sir Haviland LeMesurier Singh, Shyam Narayan 1922
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghnasubodhīekotarī Rāmacanda 1752
Manuscript (hastalekha) Lobhapaccīsī Rāyacanda 1777
Manuscript (hastalekha) Lokanālikābālā. Yaśovijaya
Book (grantha) Añcalagacchīya lekha saṃgraha Pārśva 1963
Book (grantha) lokatantra: nayā vyakti nayā samāja Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) prekṣādhyāna: leśyādhyāna Mahāprajña
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghusaṃgrahaṇīdasadvāravicāra Unknown
Manuscript (hastalekha) Lāhoragajhala Jaṭamala
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghunāmamālā Harṣakīrti, sūri
Book (grantha) Large Ardhamāgadhī kośa Ratnacandra
Book (grantha) Lavakuśa ākhyāna Rājasāgara
Manuscript (hastalekha) Loṅkāparagarabo Harṣarāja 1560
Manuscript (hastalekha) Locanakājalasaṃvāda Jayavanta/Guṇasaubhāgya 1586
Manuscript (hastalekha) Locanakājalasaṃvāda Guṇasaubhāgya
Book (grantha) Jaina Dhātupratimā Lekhasaṃgraha bhāga 2 Buddhisāgarasūri, Ācārya 1924
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghukṣatrasamāsa Matisāgara 1538
Manuscript (hastalekha) Loṅkāśāhanāsaloko Keśava 1609
Manuscript (hastalekha) Sādhuvandana laghu Jemala 1750
Manuscript (hastalekha) Dīkṣāvidhi Loṃkāgacchīya Unknown
Manuscript (hastalekha) Sādhuvandana laghu Jemala 1750
First manuscript (prathamādarśa) Laghubrahmabāvanī Ṛpacanda
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghupārāśarīṭīkā Bhairavadatta
Book (grantha) Laghustavaṭīkā Somatilaka
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghuajitaśāntiṭīkā Guṇavinaya 1603
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghusaṃgrahaṇīvṛtti Devabhadra
Lokanālikāvṛtti Dhanavijaya 1644
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghukṣetrasamāsavr̥tti Haribhadrasūri 1128
Manuscript (hastalekha) Lalitavistarā Haribhadra
Book (grantha) Die Lehre der Jainas. Nach den alten Quellen dargestellt. Schubring, Walther 1935
Lokaprakāśa Vinayavijaya 1651
Book (grantha) Jaina dharmanī lāvanī Mancārāma 1961
Book (grantha) Keśarīyājīnī lāvaṇī Gaṅgādāsa 1889
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghusaṃgrahaṇī Gajarājasāgara
Book (grantha) Mahāvīrasvāminī lāvaṇī Giradharalāla 1889
Pārśvanāthajīnī lāvaṇī Gulabacanda
Lokasvarūpa Candramaṇi
Manuscript (hastalekha) Laghuśāntistavaṭīkā Harṣakīrti 1587
Lalitavistāra (Lalitavistarā) Haribhadra
Līlāvatī Jineśvara 1035
Laghukṣetrasamāsabālāvabodha Unknown 1593
Lobhaviṣe Udayaratna 1706
Līlāvatīsumativilāsarāsa Udayaratna
Līlāvatino rāsa Udayaratna
Laghukṣetrasamāsabālāvabodha Udayasāgara 1593
Lokanāladvātriṅśikābālāvabodha Udayasāgara
Book (grantha) Pramāṇanīya jñānadīpikā saṃśodhita arhāta jainadyota. Jainācāryyā Pañjābī Śrī 1008 Śrī Parama Pūjya Amarasiṃhajī kī saṃpradāya meṃ satya ne sāṃsārika jīvoṃ ke uddhāra ke liye banāyā Pārvatī, Mahāsatī 1896
Book (grantha) Les études Jaina: état présent et tâches futures Alsdorf, Ludwig 1965
Book (grantha) Jaina-tattva-prakāśa (Substance of Jainism). Śrī Jaina dharma ke tattva kā vividha sūtroṃ va granthoṃ se dohna karake dharmābhilāṣī sajjanoṃ ke liye Amolaka Ṛṣi, Muni 1957
Book (grantha) Śrī Paramātma Mārga Darśaka (Guide to Salvation). Mumukṣuoṃ kā Iṣṭitārtha Siddha karane ke liye anek Śāstroṃ aur Granthoṃ kā Dohan karake Amolaka, Ṛṣi, “Bāla Brahmacārī” “Paṇḍita” Muni [Ācārya] 1912
Book (grantha) Śāstroddhāra-Mīmāṃsā. Bāla Brahmacārī Paṇḍita Muni Śrī Amolaka Ṛṣi jī Mahārāja kṛta. Prasiddha Kartā: Dakṣiṇa Haidarābād Nivāsī Rājā Bahādur Lālā Sukhadevasahāyjī Jvālāprasādajī Jauṃharī Amolaka, Ṛṣi, “Bāla Brahmacārī” “Paṇḍita” Muni [Ācārya] 1919
Book (grantha) Jaina Sūtra Battīsī. Bāla Brahmacārī Paṇḍita Muni Śrī Amolaka Ṛṣi jī Mahārāja kṛta. Sampādaka: Rājā Bahādur Lālā Sukhadevasahāyjī Jvālāprasādajī Jauṃharī. Hindī Bhāṣānuvāda Sahita Amolaka, Ṛṣi, “Bāla Brahmacārī” “Paṇḍita” Muni [Ācārya] 1920
Liṅganirṇaya Kalyāṇa
Liṅgānuśāsanoddhāra Jayānanda
Lakṣaṇaprayogamayaśrīvīrastavana Jinaprabha
Manuscript (hastalekha) Luṅkā Nāṃ Praśno Pārśvacandra