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Showing 1 to 100 of 867 results

Type Title Author Publication Date Editor
Article (lekha) ‘Mātṛigayā at Siddhapurī.’ Śāstrī, Paṇḍit S. M. Naṭeśa 1884
Article (lekha) [Miscellanea] ‘A note on Vimala.’ Śāstrī, Haridās 1890
Book (grantha) Die Jaina-Handschriften der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek. Neuerwerbungen seit 1891. Unter redaktioneller Mitarbeit von Günther Weibken Schubring, Walther 1944
Article (lekha) ‘Chand’s mention of Śrī Harsha and Kālidāsa again.’ Sen, Rām Dās 1874
Book (grantha) Lists of the antiquarian remains in the presidency of Madras. Compiled under the orders of government Sewell, Robert 1882
Book (grantha) Notices of Sanskrit Mss. Under the orders of the Government of Bengal Shāstrī, Haraprasād 1892
Article (lekha) ʻHistory of the Gurha Mundala Rājas.ʼ Sleeman, William Henry 1837
Article (lekha) ‘A note on the date of Mihirakula.’ Smith, Vincent A. 1886
Book (grantha) Vasantarājaśākuna [with Bhānucandra’s ṭīkā and Śrīdhara’s own Hindī commentary called Manorañjinī] Śrīdhara Jaṭāśaṃkara
Book (grantha) The Kalpa Sūtra and Nava Tatva: two works illustrative of the Jain religion and philosophy. Translated from the Māgadhi. With an appendix, containing remarks of the language of the original Stevenson, John 1848
Book (grantha) Sūcīpustakaṃ phorṭa uliyam ityākhyāyā atratya iṃlaṇḍīya pāṭhaśālāyāḥ preritapustaka-sahitānāṃ gauḍadeśīyāsyātikākhya sabhā sambandhi pustaka-gṛhastha-pustakānāṃ etadvyatiriktānāñ cātratya-saṃskṛta-vidyā-mandirasya kāśī-stha-saṃskṛta-vidyā-mandirasya ca Tarkaratna, Rāma Govinda 1838
Article (lekha) ʻSecond report on the examination and restoration of the Mackenzie Manuscripts.ʼ Taylor, William 1838
Article (lekha) ʻExamination and Analysis of the Mackenzie Manuscripts deposited in the Madras College library.ʼ Taylor, William 1838
Article (lekha) ‘First report of progress made in the examination of the Mackenzie Mss., with an abstract account of the works examined.’ Taylor, William 1838
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1857
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1860
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1862
Article (lekha) ‘A note on the age of Madhusūdana Sarasvatī.’ Telang, Kāshināth Trimbak 1874
Book (grantha) Essays on Indian antiquities, historic, numismatic, and palaeographic, of the late James Prinsep, to which are added his useful tables, illustrative of Indian history, chronology modern coinages, weights, measures, etc. Edited with notes, and additional m 1858 Thomas, Edward
Article (lekha) [Correspondence and Miscellanea] ‘Jainism.’ Thomas, Edward 1879
Article (lekha) ‘Comments on an inscription upon marble, at Madhucarghar; and three grants inscribed on copper, found at Ujjayani.’ Tod, James 1827
Article (lekha) ‘On the religious establishments of Mérwar.’ Tod, James 1829
Book (grantha) Catalogue of the Jaina manuscripts at Strasbourg. With a frontispiece, seven plates and a map Tripāṭhī, Chandrabhāl 1975
Article (lekha) ‘Maheśvara, in Mālwā.’ Tullu, Rāoji Vāsudeva 1875
Book (grantha) Sarvadarśana Saṃgraha; or an epitome of the different systems of Indian philosophy. By Mādhavāchārya 1858 Vidyāsāgara, Paṇḍita Īśwarachandra
Book (grantha) Nirayāvaliyāsuttam, een upāṅga der Jaina’s: met inleiding, aanteekeningen en glossaar Warren, Sybrandus Johannes 1879
Article (lekha) ‘Mr. Wathen’s translation of ancient inscriptions.’ Wathen, W. H. & Munroe, Mr. & Thackerey, Mr. 1839
Article (lekha) ‘Anecdote of Rāo Māldeva of Jodhpur.’ Watson, W. 1874
Book (grantha) Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek. Erster Band. Verzeichnis der Sanskrit-Handschriften. Mit sechs Schrifttafeln Weber, Albrecht 1853 Dr. Perz
Book (grantha) Ueber das Çatrunjaya Māhātmyam: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Jaina Weber, Albrecht 1858
Book (grantha) Ueber die Metrik der Inder. Zwei Abhandlungen Weber, Albrecht 1863
Book (grantha) Über ein Fragment der Bhagavatī. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der heiligen Sprache und Literatur der Jaina. Erster Theil, Einleitung, und erster Abschnitt: Von der Sprache der Bhagavatī. Mit zwei Tafeln Weber, Albrecht 1866
Article (lekha) ʻUeber den auf der Kön. Bibl. zu Berlin befindlichen Codex der Sūryaprajñapti (ms. or. Oct. 155).’ Weber, Albrecht 1868
Article (lekha) [Bibliographische Anzeige] ‘Kāçīvidyāsudhānidhiḥ.-The Paṇḍit, a monthly journal, of the Benares College, devoted to Sanskrit Literature. Nos. 1-79, Benares 1866-1872 …’ Weber, Albrecht 1873
Article (lekha) ʻTo the editor of the “Indian Antiquary”. Professor Weber on the Yavanas, Mahābhāshya, Rāmāyaṇa, and Kṛishṇajanmāshṭamī.’ Weber, Albrecht 1875
Article (lekha) [Bibliographische Anzeige] ‘Kāçīvidyāsudhānidhiḥ.-The Paṇḍit, a monthly journal, of the Benares College, devoted to Sanscrit Literature, Nos. 80-120, Benares 1873-1877 …’ Weber, Albrecht 1878
Article (lekha) ‘Über die Samyaktvakaumudī, eine eventualiter mit 1001 Nacht auf gleiche Quelle zurückgehende indische Erzählung.’ Weber, Albrecht 1889
Article (lekha) ‘Of the kings of Magadha; their chronology.’ Wilford, Francis 1809
Article (lekha) ‘Two inscriptions from the Vindhya mountains, translated from the Sanskrit.’ Wilkins, Charles 1790
Article (lekha) ‘Translation of a Tāmba Patra, which was found in a field of the village of Pipliānagar in the Shujālpur Parganā, by a Krisān engaged in ploughing, and presented to Mr. L. Wilkinson, the Political Agent at Bhopāl, by the Jagirdār.’ Wilkinson, Lancelot 1836
Book (grantha) Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of 1828 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Book (grantha) Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of 1828 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Book (grantha) Professor Wilson’s Sanskrit manuscripts, now deposited in the Bodleian Library Wilson, Horace Hayman 1842
Article (lekha) ‘Memoir on the cave-temples and monasteries, and other ancient Buddhist, Brāhmanical, and Jaina remains of Western India.’ Wilson, John 1850
Book (grantha) A glossary of judicial and revenue terms, and of useful words occurring in official documents relating to the administration of the government of British India, from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustānī, Sanskrit, Hindī, Bengālī, Uṛiya, Marāṭhi, Guzarāthī, Wilson, Horace Hayman 1855
Book (grantha) The Vishṇu Purāṇa: a system of Hindu mythology and tradition. Translated from the original Sanskrit, and illustrated by notes derived chiefly from other Purāṇas Wilson, Horace Hayman 1870 Hall, Fitz-Edward
Book (grantha) The Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor 1882 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Book (grantha) Facsimiles of manuscripts and inscriptions (Oriental series) 1879 Wright, William
Article (lekha) [Rezension] ‘Hemacandra’s Liṅgānuśāsana, mit Commentar und Uebersetzung herausgegeben von R. Otto Franke, Göttingen 1886.’ Zachariae, Theodor 1887 Kuhn, Ernst. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Johannes Klatt
Article (lekha) Trübner’s American, European & Oriental literary record. A register of the most important works published in North and South America, India, China, Europe, and the British Colonies. With occasional notes on German, Dutch, Danish, French, Italian, Spanish, Anonymous 1880
Manuscript (hastalekha) Mahābhārata
Manuscript (hastalekha) Maṇiprakāśikā
Mānatuṅgacaupāī Abhayasoma
Maṅgarājanighaṇṭu Maṅgarāja 1398
Mahāvīrasvāmīnuṃ pālaṇuṃ Amiavijaya 1841
Merutrayodaśīvyākhyāna Kṣamākalyāṇa 1803
Munisuvratakāvya Arhaddāsa
Maṇiprakāśikā Ajitasena
Mūlācāra Vaṭṭakera
Mūlācāravṛtti Vasunandin
Manuscript (hastalekha) Meghakumāracoḍhāliyo Jādava
Manuscript (hastalekha) Mangalakalaśa rāsa Dīpavijaya 1693
Book (grantha) Mahāvīra kā punarjanma Mahāprajña
Manuscript (hastalekha) Madhyāhnapaddhati Harṣanandana 1616
Book (grantha) Mahāvira kā punarjanma Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) citta aura mana Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) soyā mana jaga jāe Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) mana ke jīte jīta Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) nayā mānava nayā viśva Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) mahāvīra kā arthaśāstra Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) bheda meṃ chipā abheda Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) mukta bhoga kī samasyā aura brahmacarya Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) dharma mujhe kyā degā Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) mantra eka samādhāna Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) mana kā kāyākalpa Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Ṛṣabha aura Mahāvīra Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) jīvana vijñāna mūlyaparaka śikṣā kā abhinava prayoga Mahāprajña
Manuscript (hastalekha) Mānatuṅgīya Kāvyacatuṣṭayī Unknown
Manuscript (hastalekha) Motīkapāsiyāsaṃbandhasaṃvāda Śrīsāra
Manuscript (hastalekha) Motīkapāsiyāsaṃbandhavaṃvāda Śrīsāra
Manuscript (hastalekha) Motīkapāsiyāsaṃbandhavaṃvāda Śrīsāra
Manuscript (hastalekha) Motīkapāsiyāsaṃbandhavaṃvāda Śrīsāra
Manuscript (hastalekha) Metārajamunisaṃbaṃdha Māna 1613
Manuscript (hastalekha) Meghadūtaṭīkā Śīlaratna 1434
Manuscript (hastalekha) Meghadūtaṭīkā Āsaḍa
Manuscript (hastalekha) Meghadūtabhāṣya Janārdana
Manuscript (hastalekha) Meghadūtakāvyaṭīkā Śīlaratna 1434
Book (grantha) More then 100 Book (grantho) Amolaka, ṛṣi
Manuscript (hastalekha) Mangalakalaśarāsa Vinayakīrtisūri 1620
Book (grantha) Praṣnottara Maṇi Ratnamāla (5 Bhāga) Maṇilāla
Book (grantha) Praṣṇottara Mohana Māḷā and some other Book(grantha) Mohanalāla
Manuscript (hastalekha) Manuscript number 2013 of Berlin collection Tejasāgara 1788
Book (grantha) Jayantavijaya mahākāvya Abhayadeva
Book (grantha) Mahāvira Coḍāliyuṃ Udayasiṃha, gacchanāyaka
Book (grantha) Many More Caritrātmaka and Sajjhāya Āsakaraṇa, ācārya
Book (grantha) Many Book (grantha) Miśrīmala, muni
Manuscript (hastalekha) Mohachattīsī Puṇyakīrti 1628
Manuscript (hastalekha) Madabattīsī Puṇyakīrti 1629
Manuscript (hastalekha) Manuscript Amaracanda, muni 1186
Manuscript (hastalekha) Manuscript Mayācanda, muni 1164