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Showing 1 to 100 of 766 results

Type Title Author Publication Date Editor
Book (grantha) Śrī-Anuttarovavāiyadasāṇaṃ ṭawā bhāṣya Satyavrata Sāmāśramī
Book (grantha) Aitihāsika Rahasya, or essays on the history, philosophy, arts, and sciences of ancient India. Bhāga 1 Sena, Rāmadāsa
Book (grantha) Notices of Sanskrit Mss. Under the orders of the Government of Bengal Shāstrī, Haraprasād 1892
Book (grantha) Hindu tribes and and castes, as represented in Benares. With illustrations. [Volume I] Sherring, Matthew Atmore
Book (grantha) Śrī-Pravarasena-viracitaṃ Setubandham. Śrī-Rāmadāsa-bhūpati-praṇītayā ṭīkayā sametam 1890 Śivadatta, Paṇḍita & Parab, Kāśīnāth Pāṇḍuraṅg
Book (grantha) The Bālabhārata of Amarachandra Sūri 1894 Śivadatta, Paṇḍita & Parab, Kāśīnāth Pāṇḍuraṅg
Article (lekha) ‘Contributions to the history of Bundelkhand.’ Smith, Vincent A. 1881
Article (lekha) [Book notice] ‘Archaeological Survey of Southern India. The Buddhist Stūpas of Amarāvatī and Jagayapeta …, by Jas. Burgess … With translations of the Aśoka Inscriptions at jaugada and Dhauli, by Georg Bühler …, London 1887.’ Smith, Vincent A. 1889
Book (grantha) Vasantarājaśākuna [with Bhānucandra’s ṭīkā and Śrīdhara’s own Hindī commentary called Manorañjinī] Śrīdhara Jaṭāśaṃkara
Article (lekha) ‘Some remarks on the relation that subsists between the Jain and Brahmanical systems of geography.’ Stevenson, John 1847
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1857
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1860
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1862
Book (grantha) Istorija Buddizma v Indii sočinenie Dāranāt’y. Perevod s Tibetskaga Vasil’ev, Vasilij Pavlovič 1869
Article (lekha) ‘The fall of Pāṭan Somanāth. Ballad of the fall of Pāṭan.’ Watson, J. W. 1879
Book (grantha) Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek. Erster Band. Verzeichnis der Sanskrit-Handschriften. Mit sechs Schrifttafeln Weber, Albrecht 1853 Dr. Perz
Article (lekha) ‘Die neuesten Forschungen auf dem Gebiet des Buddhismus.’ Weber, Albrecht 1855
Book (grantha) Ueber das Çatrunjaya Māhātmyam: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Jaina Weber, Albrecht 1858
Book (grantha) Über ein Fragment der Bhagavatī. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der heiligen Sprache und Literatur der Jaina. Erster Theil, Einleitung, und erster Abschnitt: Von der Sprache der Bhagavatī. Mit zwei Tafeln Weber, Albrecht 1866
Book (grantha) Über ein Fragment der Bhagavatī. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der heiligen Sprache und Literatur der Jaina. Zweiter Theil, zweiter Abschnitt: Inhalt der vorliegenden Bücher der Bhagavatī. Und dritter Abschnitt: Die Legende von Khaṃdaka Weber, Albrecht 1867
Article (lekha) ʻUeber den auf der Kön. Bibl. zu Berlin befindlichen Codex der Sūryaprajñapti (ms. or. Oct. 155).’ Weber, Albrecht 1868
Article (lekha) [Bibliographische Anzeige] ‘Kāçīvidyāsudhānidhiḥ.-The Paṇḍit, a monthly journal, of the Benares College, devoted to Sanskrit Literature. Nos. 1-79, Benares 1866-1872 …’ Weber, Albrecht 1873
Article (lekha) [Bibliographische Anzeige] ‘Kāçīvidyāsudhānidhiḥ.-The Paṇḍit, a monthly journal, of the Benares College, devoted to Sanscrit Literature, Nos. 80-120, Benares 1873-1877 …’ Weber, Albrecht 1878
Article (lekha) ‘Ueber Bhuvanapālaʼs Commentar zu Hālaʼs Saptaçatakam.’ Weber, Albrecht -1883
Book (grantha) Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Fünfter Band. Verzeichniss der Sanskrit- und Prākṛt-Handschriften. Zweiter Band. Erste Abtheilung Weber, Albrecht 1886
Book (grantha) Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Fünfter Band. Verzeichniss der Sanskrit- und Prākṛt-Handschriften. Zweiter Band. Zweite Abtheilung Weber, Albrecht 1888
Book (grantha) Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Fünfter Band. Verzeichniss der Sanskrit- und Prākṛt-Handschriften. Zweiter Band. Dritte Abtheilung Weber, Albrecht 1891
Article (lekha) ‘Translation of a Tāmba Patra, which was found in a field of the village of Pipliānagar in the Shujālpur Parganā, by a Krisān engaged in ploughing, and presented to Mr. L. Wilkinson, the Political Agent at Bhopāl, by the Jagirdār.’ Wilkinson, Lancelot 1836
Article (lekha) ‘Translation of an inscription on a Tāmba Patra found in the village of Pipliānagar, in the Shujalpur Pergana, and presented to the Political Agent, Bhopal, by the Jagirdār.’ Wilkinson, Lancelot 1838
Book (grantha) Professor Wilson’s Sanskrit manuscripts, now deposited in the Bodleian Library Wilson, Horace Hayman 1842
Article (lekha) ‘Memoir on the cave-temples and monasteries, and other ancient Buddhist, Brāhmanical, and Jaina remains of Western India.’ Wilson, John 1850
Book (grantha) A glossary of judicial and revenue terms, and of useful words occurring in official documents relating to the administration of the government of British India, from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustānī, Sanskrit, Hindī, Bengālī, Uṛiya, Marāṭhi, Guzarāthī, Wilson, Horace Hayman 1855
Article (lekha) ‘Hemacandra’s Yogaçāstra. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Jaina-Lehre.’ Windisch, Ernst 1874
Article (lekha) [Rezension] ‘Kīrtikaumudī; a life of Vastupāla, …, composed by Śrī Someśvaradeva. Edited by Ābājī Vishṇu Kāthavaṭe, Bombay 1883.’ Zachariae, Theodor 1885 Kuhn, Ernst.
Article (lekha) [Bibliographische Anzeige] ‘Franke, R. Otto: Die indischen Genuslehren …, Kiel, C. F. Haeseler, 1890.’ Zachariae, Theodor 1889
Article (lekha) Trübner’s American, European & Oriental literary record. A register of the most important works published in North and South America, India, China, Europe, and the British Colonies. With occasional notes on German, Dutch, Danish, French, Italian, Spanish, Anonymous 1880
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhagavatī 1604
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhāvanāsāra
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhadrabāhucarita Ratnanandin
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhagavatīvṛtti Abhayadeva 1071
Bhaktāmarastotrābhinavavṛtti 1369
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bālabhārata Amaracandra
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhaktāmarastotraṭīkā
Bhagavatīsūtra 1882
Manuscript (hastalekha) Baghelavaṃśacarita Kaṅkaṇa 1559
Bhūpālacaturviṃśati Āśādhara
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhaktāmarastotra-padhyānuvāda Hemarāja
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhagavatīsūtra-huṃḍī Dharmasiṃha 1825
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhāvaśataka Samayasundara 1584
Book (grantha) bhītara kī ora Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Bhītara ki ora Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) atīta kā basanta: vartamāna kā saurabha Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) vicāro ko badalanā sīkheṃ Mahāprajña
Brahmabāvanī Nihālacandra 1745
Book (grantha) bheda meṃ chipā abheda Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) mukta bhoga kī samasyā aura brahmacarya Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) apanā darpaṇa apanā bimba Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) ācārya bhikṣu: jīvana darśana Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) krāntadarśī ācārya bhikśu Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) bhaktāmara: antasthala kā sparśa Mahāprajña
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bharaṭakadvātrimśikā Ānandaratna 1443
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bāsaṭhamārgaṇāyantra Unknown
Manuscript (hastalekha) Indriyaparājayaśataka bālāvabodha
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bālacandabatrīśī Bālacanda 1629
Manuscript (hastalekha) Indriyaparājayaśataka bālāvabodha
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bāvanī Jaṭamala
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhagavatīsūtrahuṃḍī Dharmasiṃha 1765
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhamarāgīta Maladeva
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhagavadvāṇīgīta Padmarāja 1707
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhaktāmarastotraṭīkā Amaraprabha
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bṛhatkalpacūrṇi Unknown
Bandhahetūdayatribhaṅgīṭīkā Vānararṣi
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bṛhatkalpasūtracūrṇi
Manuscript (hastalekha) Jñātāsūtra 19th adhyayana para Bhāsa Megharāja
Manuscript (hastalekha) Jñātasūtra 19th adhyayana para Bhāsa Megharāja
Manuscript (hastalekha) Ratanasīr̥ṣinī bhāsa Govardhana
Book (grantha) More then 100 Book (grantho) Amolaka, ṛṣi
Book (grantha) Praṣnottara Maṇi Ratnamāla (5 Bhāga) Maṇilāla
Book (grantha) Caṃpaka Sena Rāsa and other 54 Book(grantha) Maṇilāla
Book (grantha) Praṣṇottara Mohana Māḷā and some other Book(grantha) Mohanalāla
Manuscript (hastalekha) Manuscript number 2013 of Berlin collection Tejasāgara 1788
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhīmajī svāmī nu choḍhāliyu Khodā
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhoyaṇīmallināthaḍhāliyā Dayāvimala
Book (grantha) Many Book (grantha) Miśrīmala, muni
Book (grantha) Bhagavatīsūtra Ḍālabadha (Tatvabodhatmaka) Jītamala, Ācārya
Book (grantha) Bhikṣu Jasa Rasāyana (Caritrātmaka), Covīsī Jītamala, Ācārya
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhagavatīgītā Vidyākamala 1613
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bahoterī Ānandaghana
Book (grantha) Jainapustakpraśastisaṅgraha, Prathama Bhāga 1942 Jinavijaya
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bāravratajoḍī Guṇavinaya 1633
Manuscript (hastalekha) Bhagavatīsādhuvandanā Prabhasevaka 1621
Book (grantha) Jaina Dhātupratimā Lekhasaṃgraha bhāga 2 Buddhisāgarasūri, Ācārya 1924
First manuscript (prathamādarśa) Ratnākara-pañcaviṃśatistava Bhāvārtha Kanakavijaya 1676
Book (grantha) Kathā Batrīsī by Udayadharma Udayadharma 1493
Manuscript (hastalekha) Nemarājimatī bāramāsā Kāna
Manuscript (hastalekha) Sādhuvandana bṛhad Jemala 1750
Manuscript (hastalekha) Sādhuvandana baḍī Jemala 1750
Manuscript (hastalekha) Sādhuvandana bṛhad Jemala 1750
Manuscript (hastalekha) Hoḍācakravilāsa bhāsā Sundara