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Type Title Author Publication Date Editor
Book (grantha) Die Jaina-Handschriften der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek. Neuerwerbungen seit 1891. Unter redaktioneller Mitarbeit von Günther Weibken Schubring, Walther 1944
Book (grantha) Lists of the antiquarian remains in the presidency of Madras. Compiled under the orders of government Sewell, Robert 1882
Book (grantha) Lists of inscriptions, and sketch of the dynasties of southern India. Compiled under the orders of Government Sewell, Robert 1884
Book (grantha) Notices of Sanskrit Mss. Under the orders of the Government of Bengal Shāstrī, Haraprasād 1892
Article (lekha) ʻHistory of the Gurha Mundala Rājas.ʼ Sleeman, William Henry 1837
Article (lekha) ‘Find of coins of Gānggeya Deva of Chedi.’ Smith, Vincent A. 1887
Article (lekha) [Book notice] ‘Archaeological Survey of Southern India. The Buddhist Stūpas of Amarāvatī and Jagayapeta …, by Jas. Burgess … With translations of the Aśoka Inscriptions at jaugada and Dhauli, by Georg Bühler …, London 1887.’ Smith, Vincent A. 1889
Article (lekha) ‘Some remarks on the relation that subsists between the Jain and Brahmanical systems of geography.’ Stevenson, John 1847
Book (grantha) Sūcīpustakaṃ phorṭa uliyam ityākhyāyā atratya iṃlaṇḍīya pāṭhaśālāyāḥ preritapustaka-sahitānāṃ gauḍadeśīyāsyātikākhya sabhā sambandhi pustaka-gṛhastha-pustakānāṃ etadvyatiriktānāñ cātratya-saṃskṛta-vidyā-mandirasya kāśī-stha-saṃskṛta-vidyā-mandirasya ca Tarkaratna, Rāma Govinda 1838
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1857
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1860
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1862
Article (lekha) ‘A new Sīlāra copper plate grant.’ Telang, Kāśināth Trimbak 1880
Article (lekha) ‘A copper-plate grant of Pulikeśin II.’ Telang, Kāśināth Trimbak 1885
Book (grantha) Records of the Gupta dynasty. Illustrated by inscriptions, written history, local tradition, and coins. To which is added a chapter on the Arabs in Sind Thomas, Edward 1876
Article (lekha) ‘Comments on an inscription upon marble, at Madhucarghar; and three grants inscribed on copper, found at Ujjayani.’ Tod, James 1827
Book (grantha) Nirayāvaliyāsuttam, een upāṅga der Jaina’s: met inleiding, aanteekeningen en glossaar Warren, Sybrandus Johannes 1879
Article (lekha) ‘Historical sketch of the hill fortress of Pāwāgaḍh, in Gujarāt.’ Watson, W. 1877
Article (lekha) ‘Die neuesten Forschungen auf dem Gebiet des Buddhismus.’ Weber, Albrecht 1855
Book (grantha) Ueber das Çatrunjaya Māhātmyam: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Jaina Weber, Albrecht 1858
Article (lekha) ‘Über die Geschichte vom Kaufmann Campaka.’ Weber, Albrecht -1883
Article (lekha) ‘Über das Campakaçreshṭhikathānakam, die Geschichte vom Kaufmann Campaka.’ Weber, Albrecht -1883
Article (lekha) ‘Über das Uttamacaritrakathānakam, die Geschichte vom Prinzen Trefflichst.’ Weber, Albrecht 1884
Article (lekha) ‘Über die Samyaktvakaumudī, eine eventualiter mit 1001 Nacht auf gleiche Quelle zurückgehende indische Erzählung.’ Weber, Albrecht 1889
Article (lekha) ‘Die Griechen in Indien.’ Weber, Albrecht 1890
Book (grantha) Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of 1828 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Book (grantha) Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of 1828 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Book (grantha) A glossary of judicial and revenue terms, and of useful words occurring in official documents relating to the administration of the government of British India, from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustānī, Sanskrit, Hindī, Bengālī, Uṛiya, Marāṭhi, Guzarāthī, Wilson, Horace Hayman 1855
Article (lekha) ‘Notices of Hindu tribes and castes in Gūjarāt.’ Yājñik, Javerilāl Ūmiashankar 1873
Article (lekha) ‘Vardhamāna’s Gaṇaratnamahodadhi, … Edited, with critical notes and indices, by Julius Eggeling. Part I. London 1879.’ Zachariae, Theodor 1880
Article (lekha) [Rezension] ‘Hemacandra’s Liṅgānuśāsana, mit Commentar und Uebersetzung herausgegeben von R. Otto Franke, Göttingen 1886.’ Zachariae, Theodor 1887 Kuhn, Ernst. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. Johannes Klatt
Article (lekha) [Bibliographische Anzeige] ‘Franke, R. Otto: Die indischen Genuslehren …, Kiel, C. F. Haeseler, 1890.’ Zachariae, Theodor 1889
Article (lekha) Trübner’s American, European & Oriental literary record. A register of the most important works published in North and South America, India, China, Europe, and the British Colonies. With occasional notes on German, Dutch, Danish, French, Italian, Spanish, Anonymous 1880
Gautamakula Amaravijaya
Goḍīpārśvanāthajīno coḍhālīo Lakṣmīcandra
Gautamīyaprakāśa Kṣamākalyāṇa
Gurustuti Kṣamākalyāṇa 1773
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gautamaprucchāsahabālāvabodha Unknown
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gurupaccīsī Rāyacanda 1783
Manuscript (hastalekha) Guruguṇapaccīsī Rāyacanda 1783
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gyānagarabo Bhūdhara
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gāthālakṣaṇa Samayasundara 1616
Book (grantha) kṣamā kareṃ gurudeva Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) ajātaśatru kī jīvana- gāthā Mahāprajña
Manuscript (hastalekha) Guṇabāvanī Udayarāja
Manuscript (hastalekha) Guṇabāvanī Udayarāja
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gorābādalavāta Jaṭamala 1629
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gommaṭasāra Nemicandra
Manuscript (hastalekha) Guruguṇagahuṃlī Bhūdhara
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gajasāgarasūrinirvāṇa Guṇasāgara
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gurubhāsa Megharāja 1626
Book (grantha) More then 100 Book (grantho) Amolaka, ṛṣi
Book (grantha) Caṃpaka Sena Rāsa and other 54 Book(grantha) Maṇilāla
Book (grantha) Praṣṇottara Mohana Māḷā and some other Book(grantha) Mohanalāla
Book (grantha) 32 Sūtro ni vyākhyā in Saṃskṛta, Hiṃdī, Gujarātī Ghāsīlāla
Book (grantha) Many Book (grantha) Miśrīmala, muni
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gautamapṛcchā Sakalacandra 1593
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gajasiṃhakumāra Kīrtivimala
Manuscript (hastalekha) Guṇabāvanī Udayarāja 1619
Manuscript (hastalekha) Pārśva jina=24 daṃḍakavicāra garbhita Dharamasī 1672
Manuscript (hastalekha) Pārśvajinapada-goḍījī Rūpa
Manuscript (hastalekha) Guruguṇagahuṃlī Bhūdhara
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gautamapṛcchāvṛtti Paramanātha
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gautamapṛcchāvṛtti Śrītilaka
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gautamapṛcchāvṛtti Mativardhana
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gautamapṛcchāvṛtti Mativardhana 1680
Manuscript (hastalekha) Mahādevoktasāriṇyā grahāṇāṃ vṛtti Unknown
Gamanikāsūtravṛtti Śrītilaka
Manuscript (hastalekha) Guṇasthānakakramārohasvopajñavṛtti Ratnaśekhara 1390
Manuscript (hastalekha) Guruguṇaṣṭtrimśikāvṛtti Ratnaśekhara
Book (grantha) Gautamapṛchā Śrītilaka
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gautamapṛcchābālāvabodha Unknown
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gautamapṛcchābālāvabodha Unknown
Bālāvabodha ( Goḍīprabhupārśva stavana ) Vidyāsāgara
Gummaṭasārajīvakhāṇḍa Keśaṇṇa
Gurvāvalī Kṣamākalyāṇa
Gacchācāraṭīkā Malaya
Manuscript (hastalekha) Gaṇadharasaptati Jinadatta
Gaṇadharasārdhaśataka Jinadatta
Gaṇadharasārdhaśatakabṛhatvṛtti Sumati
Gaṇadharasārdhaśatakavivaraṇa Sarvarāja
Book (grantha) Gaṇaratnamahodadhi Vardhamāna 1140
Gaṇaratnamahodadhivṛtti Vardhamāna
Gadyacintāmaṇi Pradīpasiṃha
Gamanikāsūtravṛtti Tilaka
Gāthāśatakaprakaraṇa Śivaśarman
Gāthākośa Municandra
Girināratīrthoddhāra Nayasundara
Guṇakaraṇḍaguṇāvali Jinaharṣa
Guṇamālāprakaraṇa Rāmavijaya
Guṇamālāprakaraṇaṭīkā Rāmavijaya
Guṇaratnākara Sahajasundara
Guṇaratnākarachanda Sahajasundara
Guṇavarmacaritra Māṇikyasundara
Guṇavarmacaritra Jñānasāgara
Guṇasūtravivaraṇa Hemacandra
Manuscript (hastalekha) Guṇasthāna Rājasamudra (Jinarāja) 1608
Guṇasthānaprakaraṇa Ratnaśekhara
Guṇasthānaprakaraṇavṛtti Ratnaśekhara
Guṇasthānakramārohaṇaprakaraṇa Ratnaśekhara