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Type Title Author Publication Date Editor
Book (grantha) Śrī-Anuttarovavāiyadasāṇaṃ ṭawā bhāṣya Satyavrata Sāmāśramī
Book (grantha) Die Jaina-Handschriften der Preussischen Staatsbibliothek. Neuerwerbungen seit 1891. Unter redaktioneller Mitarbeit von Günther Weibken Schubring, Walther 1944
Book (grantha) Aitihāsika Rahasya, or essays on the history, philosophy, arts, and sciences of ancient India. Bhāga 1 Sena, Rāmadāsa
Book (grantha) Lists of the antiquarian remains in the presidency of Madras. Compiled under the orders of government Sewell, Robert 1882
Book (grantha) Lists of inscriptions, and sketch of the dynasties of southern India. Compiled under the orders of Government Sewell, Robert 1884
Book (grantha) Notices of Sanskrit Mss. Under the orders of the Government of Bengal Shāstrī, Haraprasād 1892
Book (grantha) Hindu tribes and and castes, as represented in Benares. With illustrations. [Volume I] Sherring, Matthew Atmore
Book (grantha) Śrī-Pravarasena-viracitaṃ Setubandham. Śrī-Rāmadāsa-bhūpati-praṇītayā ṭīkayā sametam 1890 Śivadatta, Paṇḍita & Parab, Kāśīnāth Pāṇḍuraṅg
Book (grantha) The Bālabhārata of Amarachandra Sūri 1894 Śivadatta, Paṇḍita & Parab, Kāśīnāth Pāṇḍuraṅg
Book (grantha) Vasantarājaśākuna [with Bhānucandra’s ṭīkā and Śrīdhara’s own Hindī commentary called Manorañjinī] Śrīdhara Jaṭāśaṃkara
Book (grantha) The Kalpa Sūtra and Nava Tatva: two works illustrative of the Jain religion and philosophy. Translated from the Māgadhi. With an appendix, containing remarks of the language of the original Stevenson, John 1848
Book (grantha) Sūcīpustakaṃ phorṭa uliyam ityākhyāyā atratya iṃlaṇḍīya pāṭhaśālāyāḥ preritapustaka-sahitānāṃ gauḍadeśīyāsyātikākhya sabhā sambandhi pustaka-gṛhastha-pustakānāṃ etadvyatiriktānāñ cātratya-saṃskṛta-vidyā-mandirasya kāśī-stha-saṃskṛta-vidyā-mandirasya ca Tarkaratna, Rāma Govinda 1838
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1857
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1860
Book (grantha) A catalogue raisonné of Oriental Manuscripts in the library of the (Late) College, Fort Saint George, now in charge of the board of examiners Taylor, William 1862
Book (grantha) Essays on Indian antiquities, historic, numismatic, and palaeographic, of the late James Prinsep, to which are added his useful tables, illustrative of Indian history, chronology modern coinages, weights, measures, etc. Edited with notes, and additional m 1858 Thomas, Edward
Book (grantha) The chronicles of the Pathān kings of Delhi, illustrated by coins, inscriptions, and other antiquarian remains Thomas, Edward 1871
Book (grantha) Records of the Gupta dynasty. Illustrated by inscriptions, written history, local tradition, and coins. To which is added a chapter on the Arabs in Sind Thomas, Edward 1876
Book (grantha) Annals and antiquities of Rajasthan, or the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India Tod, James 1829
Book (grantha) Annals and antiquities of Rajasthan, or the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India Tod, James 1832
Book (grantha) Annals and antiquities of Rajasthan, or the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India Tod, James 1873
Book (grantha) Catalogue of the Jaina manuscripts at Strasbourg. With a frontispiece, seven plates and a map Tripāṭhī, Chandrabhāl 1975
Book (grantha) Sarvadarśana Saṃgraha; or an epitome of the different systems of Indian philosophy. By Mādhavāchārya 1858 Vidyāsāgara, Paṇḍita Īśwarachandra
Book (grantha) Nirayāvaliyāsuttam, een upāṅga der Jaina’s: met inleiding, aanteekeningen en glossaar Warren, Sybrandus Johannes 1879
Book (grantha) Istorija Buddizma v Indii sočinenie Dāranāt’y. Perevod s Tibetskaga Vasil’ev, Vasilij Pavlovič 1869
Book (grantha) Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek. Erster Band. Verzeichnis der Sanskrit-Handschriften. Mit sechs Schrifttafeln Weber, Albrecht 1853 Dr. Perz
Book (grantha) Ueber das Çatrunjaya Māhātmyam: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Jaina Weber, Albrecht 1858
Book (grantha) Ueber die Metrik der Inder. Zwei Abhandlungen Weber, Albrecht 1863
Book (grantha) Über ein Fragment der Bhagavatī. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der heiligen Sprache und Literatur der Jaina. Erster Theil, Einleitung, und erster Abschnitt: Von der Sprache der Bhagavatī. Mit zwei Tafeln Weber, Albrecht 1866
Book (grantha) Über ein Fragment der Bhagavatī. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der heiligen Sprache und Literatur der Jaina. Zweiter Theil, zweiter Abschnitt: Inhalt der vorliegenden Bücher der Bhagavatī. Und dritter Abschnitt: Die Legende von Khaṃdaka Weber, Albrecht 1867
Book (grantha) Akademische Vorlesungen über Indische Literaturgeschichte Weber, Albrecht 1876
Book (grantha) Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Fünfter Band. Verzeichniss der Sanskrit- und Prākṛt-Handschriften. Zweiter Band. Erste Abtheilung Weber, Albrecht 1886
Book (grantha) Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Fünfter Band. Verzeichniss der Sanskrit- und Prākṛt-Handschriften. Zweiter Band. Zweite Abtheilung Weber, Albrecht 1888
Book (grantha) Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Fünfter Band. Verzeichniss der Sanskrit- und Prākṛt-Handschriften. Zweiter Band. Dritte Abtheilung Weber, Albrecht 1891
Book (grantha) Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of 1828 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Book (grantha) Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of 1828 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Book (grantha) Professor Wilson’s Sanskrit manuscripts, now deposited in the Bodleian Library Wilson, Horace Hayman 1842
Book (grantha) A glossary of judicial and revenue terms, and of useful words occurring in official documents relating to the administration of the government of British India, from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustānī, Sanskrit, Hindī, Bengālī, Uṛiya, Marāṭhi, Guzarāthī, Wilson, Horace Hayman 1855
Book (grantha) Essays and lectures on the religions of the Hindus. By H. H. Wilson. Collected and edited by Reinhold Rost. In two volumes. Vol. I. Sketch of the Religious Sects of the Hindus 1861 Rost, Reinhold
Book (grantha) The Vishṇu Purāṇa: a system of Hindu mythology and tradition. Translated from the original Sanskrit, and illustrated by notes derived chiefly from other Purāṇas Wilson, Horace Hayman 1870 Hall, Fitz-Edward
Book (grantha) The Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, and other articles illustrative of the literature, history, statistics and antiquities of the South of India; collected by the late Lieut.-Col. Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor 1882 Wilson, Horace Hayman
Book (grantha) Ueber das Nyāyabhāshya Windisch, Ernst 1888
Book (grantha) Facsimiles of manuscripts and inscriptions (Oriental series) 1879 Wright, William
Book (grantha) Report of a tour in Eastern Rajputana in 1882-83 Cunningham, Alexander 1885
Book (grantha) Adhyātmakalpadrumabālāvabodha 1876 Māṇaka, Bhīmasiṃha
Book (grantha) Aḍhārapāpasthānanī sajjhāo Yaśovijaya 1888 Desai, Itchārām Sūryarām
Book (grantha) Adhyātmamataparīkṣā Yaśovijaya 1876 Māṇaka, Bhīmasiṃha
Book (grantha) Aḍhārapāpasthānanī sajjhāo Yaśovijaya 1888 Desai, Itchārām Sūryarām
Book (grantha) Adhyātmasāra Yaśovijaya 1876 Māṇaka, Bhīmasiṃha
Book (grantha) Aḍhārapāpasthānanī sajjhāo Yaśovijaya 1888 Desai, Itchārām Sūryarām
Book (grantha) Lakhelokāgala Yaśovijaya 1878 Māṇaka, Bhīmasiṃha
Book (grantha) Anyayogavyavachedikādvātriṃśikā Hemacandra 1890 Durgāprasād, Paṇḍit & Parab, Kāśīnāth Pāṇḍuraṅg
Book (grantha) Prabhāvakacarita Prabhāvacandra 1940 Jinavijaya, Muni
Book (grantha) Jainavrataśikṣāpatrī Keśava, Amicanda 1870
Book (grantha) History of Tirhut. From the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. With a foreword by Sir Haviland LeMesurier Singh, Shyam Narayan 1922
Book (grantha) Aṣṭāpadajībimbapratiṣṭhā Dave, Joshi Bhurābhāī Behecara 1888
Book (grantha) Ātmavilāsastavanāvalī Vijayānanda 1889
Book (grantha) Caturthastutinirṇaya Vijayānanda 1888
Book (grantha) Jainakalpavṛkṣa Vijayānanda 1892
Book (grantha) Jainatattvādarśa Vijayānanda 1884
Book (grantha) Mahāvīra kā punarjanma Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) kaisī ho ikkīsavīṃ Śatābdī Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) bhītara kī ora Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Terāpantha Śāsana aura Anuśāsana Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Anuśāsana Saṃhitā Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Mahāvira kā punarjanma Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Pahalā roga nirogī kāyā Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Kaisī ho ikkīsavīṃ śatābdī Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Bhītara ki ora Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Añcalagacchīya lekha saṃgraha Pārśva 1963
Book (grantha) Jaina dharma: arhata aura arhatāeṃ Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Ahiṃsā ke achūte pahalū Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) Jaina dharma arhata aura arhatāeṃ Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) ahiṃsā aura śānti Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) atīta kā basanta: vartamāna kā saurabha Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) karmavāda Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) citta aura mana Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) samasyā ko dekhanā sīkheṃ Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) vicāro ko badalanā sīkheṃ Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) cetanā kā ūrdhvārohaṇa Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) samayasāra: niścaya aura vyavahāra kī yātrā Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) soyā mana jaga jāe Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) mana ke jīte jīta Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) jaina dharma ke sādhanā sūtra Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) adhyātma kā pahalā saupāna: sāmāyika Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) nayā mānava nayā viśva Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) jīvana kī pothī Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) jīvana vijñāna svastha samāja saṃracanā kā saṃkalpa Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) jīvana vijñāna śikṣā kā nayā āyāma Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) citta-samādhi: jaina yoga Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) taba hotā hai dhyāna kā janma Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) puruṣārtha ke pacāsa varṣa Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) mahāvīra kā arthaśāstra Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) jaina darśana aura vijñāna Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) lokatantra: nayā vyakti nayā samāja Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) jaina darśana aura anekānta Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) dharma cakra kā pravartana Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) ahiṃsā kī sahī samajha Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) ahiṃsā kī sahī samajha Mahāprajña
Book (grantha) bheda meṃ chipā abheda Mahāprajña