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Person Record
Hultzsch, E. & Konow, S. (ed.), (1908), pp 153, 157, line 26. | work record
Label Degā, sister of Desala
Generic Name
  1. Degā
Religious Status
  1. Jaina layperson female (śrāvikā / upāsikā)
  1. Female (strī)
Family Relationships
  1. Daughter of: Pārasa, ancestor of Vījaḍa and Lāliga
  2. Sister of: Desala, ancestor of Vījaḍa and Lāliga
  3. Sister of: Sohī, sister of Desala
  4. Brother : Kuladhara, brother of Desala


  1. Hultzsch, E. & Konow, S. (ed.), (1908), pp 153, 157, line 26. | work record
  2. Hultzsch, E. & Konow, S. (ed.), (1908), pp 153, 157, line 26. | work record
  3. Hultzsch, E. & Konow, S. (ed.), (1908), pp 153, 157, line 26. | work record
  1. Hultzsch, E. & Konow, S. (ed.), (1908), pp 153, 157, line 26. | work record
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