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Person Record
Konow, S. & Venkayya, V. (ed.), (1910), p 112, line 1-4. | work record
Label Budhuka, father-in-law of Yaśā
Generic Name
  1. Budhuka
Religious Status
  1. Jaina layperson male (śrāvaka / upāsaka)
  1. Male (puruṣa)
Family Relationships
  1. Daughter in law : Yaśā, about 2nd century AD


  1. Konow, S. & Venkayya, V. (ed.), (1910), p 112, line 1-4. | work record
    Note: The inscription itself refers to Yaśā as "[Bu]dhukasya vadhūye" which Banerjī translates as daughter-in-law.
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