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Person Record
Konow, S. & Venkayya, V. (ed.), (1912), pp 60-62, line 11-12. | work record
Label Jasa, grandfather of Narapati, about VS 1300
Generic Name
  1. Jasa
  1. Male (puruṣa)
Occupation Social Position
  1. Landowner (ṭhākura)
Family Name
  1. Sonī
  1. Osavāla (Osavāla)
Family Relationships
  1. Father of: Mahaṇasiṃha, father of Narapati, about VS 1330
  2. Grandfather (in general) of: Narapati, VS 1353
  3. Father: Āmbada, great-grandfather of Narapati


  1. Konow, S. & Venkayya, V. (ed.), (1912), pp 60-62, line 11-13. | work record
  2. Konow, S. & Venkayya, V. (ed.), (1912), pp 60-61, line 11-13. | work record
  1. Konow, S. & Venkayya, V. (ed.), (1912), pp 60-62, line 10-13. | work record
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